Hardware Accellerated GPU Scheduling

A new setting in Windows 10 increases graphics performance, according to Microsoft and NVIDIA. Called ‘Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling’, the feature allows your graphics card to manage its own video memory (VRAM) instead of the operating system. Microsoft’s description simply states ‘Reduce latency and improve performance’, but NVIDIA’s wording is more cautious- “can potentially improve performance and reduce latency”.

1. Open an administrator command prompt and type this :

powercfg -duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61

2. Goto Power Plan options and select "Ultimate Performance"

3. Click start enter Graphics Settings > select Hardware Accellereated GPU Schedulling

Note: you will need the latest build 2020 version of Windows 10 to enable this setting. Only works with nVidia GPU’s at the moment